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Efektīvas kiberdrošības ieviešana mūsdienās ir īpaši izaicinoša, jo ierīču ir vairāk nekā cilvēku. Uzbrucēji kļūst arvien gudrāki un inovatīvāki. Ugunsmūri un antivīrusi vairs pilnvērtīgi nepasargā no kiberdraudiem, un pārāk bieži organizācijā neviens nezina, kas notiek – kamēr tas jau ir par vēlu.

Digitalizācija ir radījusi lielu prasmju un resursu trūkumu uzņēmumu IT departamentos. Ja IT departaments vēlas sekot arvien pieaugošajiem kiberdraudiem, ir vajadzīgas jaunas kompetences. Uzdevuma nodošana drošības profesionāļiem, ietaupīs uzņēmuma resursus un ļaus koncentrēties uz tam svarīgākiem uzdevumiem.

Pedab drošības komanda palīdz organizācijām atklāt drošības nepilnības, iegūt kontroli pār datiem visā IT infrastruktūrā un atšķirt reālus draudus no viltus.

Mūsu drošības nodaļa koncentrējas uz tehnoloģijām un procesiem, kas ievērojami samazina digitālo risku. Uzņēmumiem jāspēj pēc iespējas ātrāk atklāt kritiskus negadījumus un neparastus gadījumus savās sistēmās, tīklos un ierīcēs. Kiberuzbrukumi ir reāls drauds un tie var radīt neatgiezeniskas sekas uzņēmumiem.



"Mainoties lietotāju paradumiem un apdraudējumu veidiem, šobrīd vairs nepietiek ar klasiskajām IT drošības metodēm – datoru vīrusu aizsardzību un tīkla aizsardzību, piemēram, tīkla ugunsmūri. Piedāvāju uzņēmējiem turpināt koncentrēties uz biznesa pamata uzdevumiem un atstāt IT drošības jautājumus mūsu ziņā!"

Digital risks 2020-2025

Malware, ransomware, social engineering and phishing are the most common cyber-attacks that can affect businesses. Today, with cyber criminals taking advantage of hacking tools and techniques, the IT security divisions have a huge challenge. In the most successful hacker attacks, companies will not notice the intrusion, or that someone is messing around in their computer systems. 

To protect against digital risks, companies should be aware that:
  • Firewalls and antivirus provide a basic security in any business, but do not protect against complex security threats. To reduce the risk to a minimum and be at the forefront, companies need to protect their company at a higher level than just a few years back.
  • The number of cyber attacks is increasing. A recent survey of 1,200 companies showed that 71 percent suffered from at least one data breach at one point, while 46 percent reported a breach over the past year (versus 26 percent the previous year).
  • Employees lack awareness: Many cyber attacks take advantage of employees’ lack of awareness of phishing and other social engineering tactics designed to steal sensitive information, such as passwords and access cards/codes.
  • AI and machine learning will drive most cyber security efforts: Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms can be used to accelerate event detection and responsiveness, identify and communicate risk to the business, and provide situational awareness for managers to get a holistic view of the security status. AI is used by approximately 87 percent of US cybersecurity professionals, and 34 percent of security personnel are now completely reliant on machine learning, according to a Cisco report.
  • More compliance and reporting: The legal requirements for IT reporting and IT monitoring will undoubtedly increase in the coming years. An important principle in the new European data protection legislation (GDPR) is that information about the processing of personal data is provided in a clear way and is not hidden away. This means that IT and security teams must be careful about how data is collected, processed, stored, and deleted. 
  • Digitalization has led to major skills gaps around corporate IT security: New competencies are required if the IT department in companies want to keep up pace with the more and more advanced cyber threats. However, outsourcing the task to security professionals saves resources and let companies focus on their core tasks.